Thursday, February 19, 2009

Update and Thought for Today

The first pic is the hole in my ankle. The second is what my ankle looks like after we pack it. Basically, Jake or the nurse shoves in about 6 inches of this gauze stuff and leave a little end to pull out. Most of the hole is beyond the opening. You can kinda see the area around the hole is puffy. My thought for today. I am stronger than I know.


  1. Hi Janice and Julie,

    Well, BF and I went to the doctor and the MRI showed a tear in my tendon, so yep, I have a surgical consultation this week :(/:). I am excited yet scared to get on with the healing. I have been wearing the book now for a month and am on my feet all day long at work. I laid in bed last night and cried. I have been trying to be grateful for what I do have and what I can do, but sometimes it's hard. So, Janice--is your foot healing well this week and Julie---congrats on your Chinese baby on the way!

  2. Just to clarify, we are adopting a baby domestically (here in the US).

    Kimberly, I am SOO sorry you do have a tear. I am very anxious to hear what options you doctor will give you other than surgery since my orth surgeon is trying to keep me out of surgery - thank God. Maybe I should be having surgery? I wish MRI's were not so expensive or that my insurance paid more of them because after all this I want to see if my ankle is better or worse to decide what to do. I do not go back to the Otho until March 5th but doubt he would order another one.

    Good luck to you Kimberly..

    Janice - why do you have to pack it?? I am confused.

  3. Kimberly, If you look at the pics with the band-aid on my ankle, that is where the sutures never closed completely. I ended up having a staph infection which needs to heal from the inside out. We need to keep it from closing up before it heals completely on the inside. The packing acts like a wick for the infected stuff. I tend to think the infection was there from the surgery, as it has always looked yucky and never healed well. The first surgery the incision healed completely, so I don't think it is a common issue with this type of surgery.

    Kimberly, I am sorry to hear that your tendon is torn. I pray that you have good outcome. Please keep me posted. And Julie, If you ended up on the surgery road, it will be a long one. Again, keep me updated. Are you in pain? Congrats on your baby news.
